Neo & Zeal

Lime Essential Oil


Lime Essential Oil, sourced from Mexico and extracted through cold expression of Citrus aurantifolia fruit peel, boasts a sharp, citrus aroma that invigorates the senses. Known for its mood-boosting properties and numerous health benefits, Lime Essential Oil is a versatile addition to your wellness arsenal. Experience the refreshing and uplifting effects of Lime Essential Oil for enhanced well-being.

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Latin Name: Citrus Aurantifolia

Part of Plant Used: Fruit Peel

Source: Mexico

Extraction Method: Cold Expression


  • Lime Essential Oil, derived from Citrus aurantifolia fruit peel through cold expression, offers a sharp, citrus aroma that instantly uplifts mood.
  • Stimulating a tired mind, it helps ease anxiety, apathy, and depression when used in an oil burner.
  • Beneficial for reducing fevers associated with colds, sore throats, and flu, Lime oil increases immunity and eases coughs, bronchitis, sinusitis, and asthma.
  • It is reputed to aid in arthritis, rheumatism, poor circulation, obesity, and cellulite management.
  • Lime Essential Oil is beneficial for the skin, reducing oiliness and acne, and aiding in healing herpes, insect bites, and cuts. However, cold-expressed oil may cause photosensitivity and skin irritation.


  • Cold-expressed Lime Essential Oil may cause photosensitivity and skin irritation.
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